sean penn.i'm so full of admiration for sean penn.i really am.
i have no idea why.but his reputation as a badboy in Hollywood hasn't changed my perception of him.i mean i have never been a big fan of badboys.Colin Farrell anyone? i'm a claymate.and clay's DEFINITELY not a badboy.actually i didn't know sean was a badboy until i surfed the web and found out that he was also against the idea of war which was brewing back then.
my sec sch screened "I Am Sam" in our tiny lil av theatre.and i was fortunate enough to catch sean penn's portrayal of a retarded but loving father.i didn't know any penns before that but i was sure after that particular screening,everyone in the av theatre knew his name.
the show depicted a carefully painted picture of Sam Dawson(Sean Penn).and of cors his lovely daughter Lucy Dawson(Dakota Fanning).he had only a nurtured intelligence of a 7 yr old,and just as his daughter passed her 7th birthday,his abilities of providing for lucy was in question.and her custody was in danger too.this story follows the path of how sam brought her up,lost her once,got her back again,and lost her twice. his lawyer guided him along arranged questions in court,and she herself discovered demons yet cast away in her how she didn't spend enough time with her son.and how she tragicly discovered that her husband "was off screwing another woman prettier than her"which was quite hard to believe,since she is,after all,michelle pfeiffer. sean was outstandin as the lead actor,as his sincerity and determination shone through. and in that heartwrenching story, you actually see Sam the person,not Sean the was that well done. the scenes were emoted so well that 3/4 of the av theatre were stifling their tears.
there was one in particular,when sam didn't have enough money to buy lucy a pair of shoes,his friends chipped in with whatever they got.and they walked down the street all with balloons after that.and when lucy asked sam innocently why was he different,he was speechless,and he apologised furiously to lucy.but lucy was so sensible that she actually did not read any book which her dad couldn't.
and lucy kept running out of her foster parent's house to sneak into her dad's house.the message was staggeringly clear.lucy and sam shared something which nobody else could replace.that if sam was taken away,she wuld be filled with a huge hole,an empty space in her heart.
the happy ending almost didn't the show's final scenes,and i really mean final,he gains joint custody of the child,and the foster mother agrees to help touching.
i purchased the vcd at hmv.$4.95. (yes im a cheapskate.) and sat down and watched it again just now.needless to say,it tugged at my heartstrings.and i'm sure it wuld tug at anyone's.he was robbed of the Oscar that year.
i caught the interpreter at bishan on sunday with gg.stellar lead actors.nicole kidman and ah ha! sean penn. really good show.i caught it again alone at jurong's really spoilers here so i shan't say anything. there's always something happenin every 15 minutes. gosh, i love that show.
you know what, i think i'm going to get Mystic River's can i actually sit around knowing i have never watched the show which sean penn got nominated an Oscar for best actor for and subsequently bagged it.i am so gonna get that show.hey but the book's pretty good! a bit long-winded.but good.
ahh and his wife's really pretty.lead actress for Message In a Bottle.Robin Wright Penn.i love that show me it was just a coincidence.and i can't believe he was once married to know madonna material girl? yes.they were married before.weird huh. much crap.all about sean penn.i must be pretty crazy over him right now.
hmm.ok back to this.i had a really nasty fever last week.fluctuated like nobody's business.stayed home for like a few days.was bored though.sometimes i can't stay at home,but sometimes all i wan is to be alone.weird ain't i? hmm.and i haven't got around to tidying up my room.procrastinating and procrastinating.crap.i must do something.
everytime i watch clay's performances,he never fails to crack me up .the leg hump was hilarious.and his dancing.i can't describe it.lolol.american idol this season lacks the punch that the past 3 seasons have.the first season had a major controversy when Tamyra was kicked off before Nikki.the 2nd season,Carmen was the season's nikki,but she was a credible performer and singer,so not much scandal there.Season 3 was when Latoya got voted off before jasmine.-shakes head-
this season's latest controversy is not about constantine not being able to stand together with the top 5 this week,or not about scotty the "body" makin it THIS far,not about Nadia and Anwar getting booted off early in the competition,but the past few weeks have revolved around paula abdul and season 2's booted off contestant corey clark.allegations that corey slept with paula and so on and so forth.i personally think it's's a scam.he just wants more publicity for his new book.
and ABC network has an episode titled "Fallen Idol" which is supposedly airing today.about some huge explosive scam which will change how ppl view American Idol entirely.i mean.OK.even if Paula slept with Corey,it wont change shit about how ppl vote.ppl are hooked to the show.and ABC is just merely riding on their wave of success.AI is a phenomenal hit show with monster ratings.of cors ABC wants to beat them.
if they really are airing that one hr "special" as it was "affectionately" dubbed,i'm sure there'll be lots of filler.cos even the paula abdul scandal can't possibly last the entire ABC can go to hell.but one thing i can't help wondering,why is he turnin against paula,and american idol, at this time? if it wasn't for the show,he wuldn't even be writing columns and books.what an idiot.
enough ranting enough ranting enough ranting.
haven't been squashin often,and it's really sad.hmmm.didn't swim due to that awful sun burn i got 2 weeks before.and in the end, i spent more time with snow and honey! snow's paws are getting dirty,and it can only signal one's time for a groomin session.sigh.i just absolutely love my rabbits.=)
"You lose one somebody,you lose one somebody. I don't wanna lose two somebodys." - Sean Penn (The Interpreter)